My design is meant to encourage the interrogation of human behavior and put into question society’s status-quos. My vehicle for exploration comes from continually collaborating with craftsmen, conducting extensive research and realizing projects that are of my personal interest. I’m a product designer with a Master degree in Industrial Design from the Royal College of Arts in London, UK as with professional experience in Europe, Africa and the United States creating self-initiated projects and commissioned work.


Currently lives in Brooklyn, New York email:

Please find my resume on Linkedin.


Alternative unknowns an exhibition of potential emergency Apexart New York, USA Novembre 2015

La fine exposition Contemporary art exhibition Le Petit Musée and Le Jardin du 2 Octobre, Conakry, GN November 2012

RCA Show 2011 Birth 01 and Thermo-assymmetry London, UK July 2011

Barbican Lates Mapping biennar Real-made, London, UK December 2010

FoodMarketo Mr. Crack Real-made, Milan, IT April 2010 Hotel RCA Akuna Milan, IT April 2010

Confluence du petit musée Contemporary art exhibition Le Petit Musée, Conakry, GN December 2008

Showroom les olivades Thin Les Olivades, Paris, FR September 2008

Espace Lausannois d’art contemporain Thin Lausanne, CH July 2008


The Independent Design Guide by Laura Houseley June 2009